Join Us

Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

The purpose of this group is to support staff and students in their educational efforts, assist in developing school priorities, facilitate positive communication with our community, and offer suggestions for school improvement by identifying strengths and areas for growth. All parents are welcome and encouraged to participate in our meetings.

School Advisory Council (SAC)

Members of the School Advisory Council are asked to serve as an advisory board to the school.  This group will make recommendations to the principal concerning school budget, student achievement, and overall functioning of the school. This group meets on a quarterly basis. If you would like to be involved, please contact the school office.

District Accountability Committee (DAC)

Hollister Lake will provide parent representation to the District Accountability Committee. This group meets to address specific agenda items directed by the Weld RE-4 School District Board of Education. The committee is advisory in nature and will give participants knowledge and understanding of the entire school district. Learn more about the DAC.