Responsibility and Attitude

Students are expected to give their best at all times. This includes having your instrument, a pencil, your notebook, your music, and your positive attitude at each and every rehearsal. No gum, please! This also includes being on time and being actively involved in all rehearsals. It is extremely important that you realize that these expectations also apply to the occasional after school rehearsals which are so important to our success.

Only the director of your ensemble can excuse you from any special rehearsals or performances, and any such situations must be taken care of well in advance of the anticipated conflict. This is extremely important as every member of a group, such as the band, depends on their fellow members in order to successfully perform.

The ability to work effectively with others in a group setting in your ensemble is extremely important. To accomplish this, we have the following expectations.

  • You should never talk or play out of turn.

  • Raise your hand if you have something to say and wait to be called on.

  • Be respectful of others who are speaking or playing.

  • Respect all property, whether it is yours, someone else's, or the schools.

Also, be certain that you are aware of SMS rules concerning your grades and your participation in trips away from the school.

Representing Your Ensemble

You represent SMS any time you are at a school activity performing with the ensemble. You are no longer just an individual; you are also a part of a team and must consider the responsibility of representing your ensemble and your school with DIGNITY and PRIDE! If you ever have any questions about what is and what is not appropriate, ask before it is too late.


Flute, oboe, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, euphonium, beginning percussion, violin, and viola players are responsible for providing their instruments rented or purchased from a local music store. School owned instruments (F horn, bassoon, bass clarinet, baritone sax, euphonium, tuba, advanced percussion, cello, and bass) may be checked out by ensemble members who do not own their own instrument. These instruments are primarily the most expensive instruments, which are often impractical for an individual to purchase. The ensemble member is responsible for any damage beyond normal wear and tear, including loss of the instrument, broken strings or bows, and dents effecting the playability of the instrument.

Instrument Storage

Because our space in the music facility is limited and serves such a high percentage of the student body, it is extremely important that we respect each other's instruments. Therefore, each student and each grade level will have an assigned spot in which to store their instruments. All instruments are to be stored in that assigned spot prior to 8:00am each school day. No instruments may be stored in other classrooms.


Special instrument lockers are available at Severance Middle School for students’ convenience. Mrs. Sawyer will assign the lockers at the beginning of the school year for student use. The opportunity to make use of the school instrument lockers is a privilege, not a right, and requires adherence to the locker-use guidelines.

Locker-use Guidelines:

  1. Do not put a lock on your locker

  2. Do not share your locker with anyone else (even if they're your best friend)

  3. Lockers are for band and orchestra materials only

  4. Keep your locker clean and all papers in a binder so they don't fall into someone else's locker

  5. Do not touch other people's lockers or mess with the number plates

  6. Do not climb into or sit in lockers

  7. Do not bring a lock from home to put on your locker

  8. Keep you locker shut and latched when not in use

Any failure to follow the locker-use guidelines may result in a temporary or permanent loss of locker privileges.

Procedure for Making Enrollment Changes

To add a music performance class (choir, band or orchestra) to a student’s schedule, the student and his/her parents must first express their interest in such a change through a note or a phone call to Mrs. Sawyer. The teacher is then able to advise the parents and child about instrument choices, and prescribe a manner to catch up the student’s skill level if it appears that they will be coming into the class behind their peers, etc. The teacher will then make contact with the appropriate school officials to arrange for the schedule change.

Involvement in a performance based music class (choir, orchestra, and band) involves a yearlong commitment to the group. This level of commitment, responsibility, and follow through is one of the many important skills that are taught through the music curriculum. Each spring, the student body and parents will be made aware of the window for enrollment in a music performance class. For changes regarding the following year, a letter will be sent home to be signed and returned by a given deadline either by the student or by email or phone. The letter will address whether the student will be continuing in their music class or not. Any changes requested outside of that window will be considered on an individual basis and must be in line with the guidelines below. Changes will be accepted up to the first Friday of the first quarter, and seven days before the end of the second and third quarters. The procedure and timeline for dropping out of a performance based music class (choir, orchestra or band) is the same as that outlined above for adding a class.